(Reader Post) Thinker2: 5G Good or Bad

Reader Post | Thinker2

5G stands for 5th Generation (Faster data rates than 4th Generation)

As a computer programmer I can tell you with certainty that anything that can be done with a computer can also be undone with a computer. Computers have no concept of Morality (Right or Wrong). No computer can or will protect your private or personal information. No computer can secure your money (Bitcoin / Block Chain). The only way to protect a computer is to disconnect it (zero data rate).

People advocating 5G may believe it can be made more secure. It can not be made more secure.
People advocating 5G rely on technical people to advise them. Technical people always want the next generation.

People apposing 5G believe it is hazardous. If 2G, 3G, or 4G phones cause cancer, so will 5G phones.
People apposing 5G believe it is a weapon. In the hands of the military a Q-Tip is a weapon.

Joker’s Magic Pencil Trick (HD)

Any network is as good or bad as the people running it.
Any network is as fast or slow as the slowest link in the chain.

I laugh when I hear data rates of 50-100Mbps from Spectrum or Frontier. That speed is only good to the first ISP Router. Once you are on the Internet your speed is below 30Mbps. The greater the distance your computer is from the server you are communicating with, the slower the data rate. The infrastructure for 100% 50Mbps data rates has not been built.

Internet Speed Test:


Every Government, computer, OS, Data Rate is as good or bad as the people managing it.

Governments / Corporations work together (Collude / Conspire) for their common interest; Control of human endeavor. Call it Slavery, Personage, Citizenship, Matrix. “They” want you working for them. When you are not working for them you are either a Useless Eater (retired) or an Enemy Combatant (activist).

I suspect that Trump has been sold on 5G by technical people who want to use 5G to replace the Rothschild SWIFT banking system. As long as companies like IBM, Microsoft, Linksys, Federal Reserve, etc. are controlling the resources; they will continue to conspire to control humanity.

Peace, love, and blessings,


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